Posts in Ordinary Time
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 30, 2023)

We are called today to place our priorities in right order. Solomon chose wisdom, the merchant, the pearl. When faced with difficult questions, we too must decide what is of greatest value, and abandon everything else. Those considering abortion may sacrifice much if they choose life, but they can be assured of God’s abundant blessings, because life is God’s greatest gift.

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15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 16,2023)

Take heart! The words of the prophet Isaiah assure us that the Gospel of Life that we preach will not be fruitless. How can we be certain? Because we hear in today’s readings that God’s message will “succeed in the thing for which [He] sent it”. St. Paul also assures us that the message that we proclaim is certainly one that all of creation has been waiting for, a message of redemption that is much needed.

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