Priests For Life Canada
If you or someone you know is pregnant and needs support, there is help available.
Visit at Their site is full of information and they also offer 24/7 support by e-mail or phone. On their site, you can search for a pregnancy help centre near you, both in Canada and the United States.
Help by phone:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and fully confidential.
1-800-395-HELP (This is’s telephone help)
1-800-665-0570 (Canadian pregnancy help centre)
1-800-550-4900 (“Birthright” pregnancy help)
Before you make a decision, make sure you have all the facts. Take a moment to visit and these sites listed below, they offer you information and true options. They give important information about the after affects of abortion on women and about the development of pre-born children.
A place where girls share the truth about their unexpected pregnancies. Read testimonies from women who have been in crisis pregnancy situations and the decisions they made and how it affected them. They also offer amazing 3D ultrasound and embryoscopy images!
True to its name, this site gives you all the facts you need to know on the development of pre-born children in the womb.
If you are hurting after an abortion, there is help.
You are not alone!
Here are some places you can begin:
The Elliot Institute offers an excellent resource called “Hope and Healing.”
Silent No More Awareness (Canada):
This site is a grassroots effort by women who have had abortions. As the name implies, they publicly tell their stories about the effects their abortions had on them.
Rachel’s Vineyard, a ministry of Priests for Life USA, offers retreats for post-abortive parents in numerous countries including Canada. Their website offers numerous resources.
Project Rachel is a Catholic post abortion ministry for women and men suffering from the trauma of abortion. In the Catholic context, priests who are specially trained journey with the person through the healing process by way of an innovative development of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, linking together psychological counselling, reconciliation, and pastoral support in the process. Project Rachel is the Church’s way of saying to people suffering from the aftermath of an abortion, “Welcome Home!”