16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 23, 2023)

Wis 12.13, 16-19; Rom 8.26-27; Mt 13.24-43

  • Jesus illustrates the Father’s wisdom to us: the Father does not wish to wipe away evil-doers, because He does not wish to harm the faith of good people. The Father at the same time gives evil-doers time to repent. Let us not judge those who are in sin, but continually invite them back to forgiveness while there is still time.

  • The first reading tells us that God has filled His children with good hope. Let us pray that our hearts will be filled with a renewed hope for an end to abortion in Canada.

  • Let us not direct an overabundance of energies in the pro-life struggle toward combat with pro-death advocates. The master in today’s parable wisely directs his slaves to allow the wheat and the weeds to grow together until harvest time, when each plant will attain its end.

Pro-Life Intercession

We pray for the enemies of the pro-life cause. May God have mercy on them and grant them conversion of heart. We pray to the Lord ...