Posts in Ordinary Time
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 25, 2022)

Have you heard of the term DINKS? It stands for “Double-Income-No-Kids.” If you pick up one of our national newspapers, especially the weekend edition, sooner or later you’ll come across a light article featuring a couple of bourgeois yuppies who live in a trendy condo, have lots of disposable income, eat out all the time, buy expensive kitchen appliances and the latest gadgets, and are quite satisfied with their “lifestyle”, so much so that they do not wish to have children.

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 18, 2022)

How rare it is that the rich and powerful feel the effects of their own sexual sins. They can, after all, pay the full cost of their choice and licentiousness, be it child support, multiple divorces, surrogacy, IVF treatments or worse, multiple abortions. They can support every trendy reproductive cause out there, yet by doing so, in reality they “trample upon the needy and destroy the poor of the land!”

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