26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 25, 2022)

Am 6.1a, 4-7; 1 Tim 6.11-16, Lk 16.19-31

  • Have you heard of the term DINKS? It stands for “Double-Income-No-Kids.” If you pick up one of our national newspapers, especially the weekend edition, sooner or later you’ll come across a light article featuring a couple of bourgeois yuppies who live in a trendy condo, have lots of disposable income, eat out all the time, buy expensive kitchen appliances and the latest gadgets, and are quite satisfied with their “lifestyle”, so much so that they do not wish to have children.

  • Here we see the same lack of generosity and openness towards the gift of life – children – that the rich man in today’s Gospel displayed to Lazarus. And while our DINKS may support their provincial SPCA and other worthy causes, they remain oblivious to the greatest injustice of our time – abortion.

  • How similar are we to “the complacent” of Zion, who distract themselves from their responsibility to come to the defense of the weak and helpless? Do we show solidarity with the unborn in our choices, our speech, our prayers, how we vote? At our judgment, God will not look at your pro-life efforts and say, “Did you succeed?” but “Did you try?”

Pro-Life Intercession

That we may answer the call of the Lazarus of the 21st Century, as he comes to us in the poor, the sick, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…