Posts tagged unborn
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 25, 2022)

Have you heard of the term DINKS? It stands for “Double-Income-No-Kids.” If you pick up one of our national newspapers, especially the weekend edition, sooner or later you’ll come across a light article featuring a couple of bourgeois yuppies who live in a trendy condo, have lots of disposable income, eat out all the time, buy expensive kitchen appliances and the latest gadgets, and are quite satisfied with their “lifestyle”, so much so that they do not wish to have children.

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Epiphany of the Lord (January 3, 2021)

King Herod represents those threatened and insecure people who greet the birth of a child with fear. Just as he deceitfully tried to ascertain the child’s whereabouts so that he might kill Him (as Herod typically did with any would-be contenders to his throne), many today see the unborn child as a threat to their own throne of comfort, lifestyle, and personal autonomy.

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