Posts tagged sanctity of life
The Nativity of the Lord (December 25, 2024)

On a night more than 2000 years ago, something extraordinary happened. And no one noticed. A child was born in a cave and laid not in a warm bed, but in the feeding box of the animals housed in that cave.

At the birth of this one child the salvation of the entire human race had finally begun and the truly omnipotent King of Kings and Lord of Lords had come among us to save us from sin and death.

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5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 4, 2024)

Job’s witness reminds us that every person experiences suffering. In our suffering we may feel that there is no end, no solution, to our pain. As Catholics, however, we know that every part of our lives, even suffering, has meaning. St. Paul affirms this when he says that he became weak “to win the weak.” Weakness is not good in itself, but we can choose to be so, in order to better spread the Gospel of Chris

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