14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 3, 2022)

Is 66.10-14; Gal 6.14-18; Lk 10.1-12, 17-20

  • While giving instructions to the 72 disciples for their first great missionary journey, our Blessed Lord commanded them to pray to the “Lord of the harvest” to send out more laborers into His harvest.

  • Indeed, the New Evangelization calls for the entire Church -- clergy, religious, and laity -- to be engaged in this work.

  • In a particular way, the Church in Canada needs many more holy priests who are willing to be sent to courageously proclaim the Gospel of Life to our perverse generation. How will these vocations come if not through prayer?

  • The People of God earnestly desire their priests to be actively involved in the pro-life movement, they want them to be tireless in fighting the culture of death, but tender and merciful in dealing with those who have been involved in abortion and euthanasia.

  • May God raise up an army that will proclaim the dignity of humanity, made in the image of the Triune God.

Pro-Life Intercession

That all who teach the faith may proclaim that the reign of God is a kingdom in which human life, at every stage, is welcomed and revered as a supreme gift of God, we pray to the Lord…