13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 26, 2022)

1 Kings 19.16b,19-21; Gal 5.1,13-18; Lk 9.51-62

  • God continues to be at work in the world, calling men and women, young and old, to follow Christ; to be His disciples. On our part, we must cooperate with God’s invitation, making use of our free will; a free will which God respects and that we know can be greatly abused.

  • Through our continual “Yes” to God, we are able to live by the spirit, keeping the commandments of God and walking in the freedom to which we have been called.

  • A few years ago, scientists reported they had created embryonic-stem cell lines by cloning and then destroying human embryos. What these researchers have achieved is the long-anticipated goal of many stem-cell research advocates: “therapeutic” cloning, the creation of cloned human embryos for regenerative medicine. This opens up the possibility of genetic engineering of embryos, creating custom-made fetuses as organ farms, and the birth of a cloned baby.

  • Needless to say, the creation and destruction of cloned human embryos for research is deeply unethical. We must not set aside our convictions about the intrinsic dignity of all human life.

Pro-Life Intercession

That our world may understand St. Paul’s teaching on the meaning of freedom and never use it as a justification for abortion or any kind of wrongdoing, we pray to the Lord…