15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 10, 2022)

Deut 30.10-14; Col 1.15-20; Lk 10.25-37

  • Rachel’s Vineyard is a beautiful and powerful weekend ministry for helping to heal women who have had an abortion. The time away helps women to examine their abortion experience; to identify the ways that the loss has affected them; and to acknowledge any unresolved feelings they may have so that they may be able to enter the grieving process and achieve peace and inner healing.

  • This peace is referred to in today’s second reading when St. Paul writes, “all things are reconciled through Christ, who made peace by the blood of his cross”.

  • If you know anyone who hasn’t accepted forgiveness or has not felt the love and compassion of God, encourage them to check out Rachel’s Vineyard or contact another post-abortion healing group. This is how we can be a Good Samaritan and neighbour to our wounded fellowman: by treating them not with condemnation and accusations, but with mercy.

Pro-Life Intercession

That we may be Good Samaritans to those who are in danger of death, such as criminals on death row, homeless people lacking food and shelter, and children scheduled to be aborted, we pray to the Lord…