4th Sunday of Easter (May 8, 2022)

Acts 13.14, 43-52; Rev 7.9, 14b-17; Jn 10.27-30

  • The Fourth Sunday of Easter is known as “Good Shepherd Sunday” and the Church asks the faithful to pray for vocations to the priesthood in a particular way today.

  • A few years ago, seminarians from around the country gathered together in Mississauga, Ontario for a Pro-Life Seminarian Congress, organized by Priests for Life Canada. It was a great success. The aspiring priests collaborated and were instructed how to lead the way of life and love against a culture enamored with individualism and choice.

  • These young men are committed to building a Civilization of Life and Love but need your prayers and mortifications to support them in answering the call of the Lord Jesus to be priests after His own heart. Please consider donating to Priests For Life Canada, to help in our outreach to support, inform, and empower seminarians in building a culture of life.

Pro-Life Intercession

That in the saving power of Jesus’ Name, the hungry may be satisfied, the stranger may be welcomed, and the unborn may be protected, we pray to the Lord…