29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 17, 2021)

Isa 53.10-11; Heb 4.14-16; Mk 10.35-45

  • Many theologians have noted that Christ is a kind of new Moses, who leads His disciples on a liberating journey, not from the political oppression of Pharaoh, but from the prison of our own ego. Christ came not to advance His own agenda, but the Father’s. He comes not to save Himself, but others. In today’s Gospel, Jesus patiently teaches His disciples that His Kingdom is characterized by the greatness of service.

  • Our Lord then presents Himself as the model: “The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

  • Today, many of the choices in the battle for life are made out of insecurity and a ceaseless fear. Man is afraid that his life is meaningless. To him it seems that the only way to give one’s life meaning is to assert one’s own power and influence. Without the true love of the Father, man must create and prove his own worth, even at the expense of others.

  • Christians should be different. Being sons and daughters of the Father, our fear and insecurity is vanquished by Jesus, who proved our worth and demonstrated our lovability by dying for us. This should give way to confidence and enable us to serve and love others, especially the most vulnerable.

Pro-Life Intercession

That Jesus, who sympathizes with our weakness, may grant forgiveness and healing to all who have committed the sin of abortion, we pray to the Lord...