28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 10, 2021)

Ws 7.7-11; Heb 4.12-13; Mk 10.17-30

  • Following Christ, not moral law, is what makes us Christian. Morality is a consequence of our relationship with Christ. It is secondary, a response to God who loves us first. Morality often becomes coherent only over time, and within the context of following Our Lord.

  • Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has written: “Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice, or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive decision.” Let us pray that we will have this encounter often and intensely, and that we will leave behind what is not needed.

  • In this way we will avoid the sadness of the rich young man and, instead, taste the fullness of life, which the apostles and saints have known.

Pro-Life Intercession

For the grace to respond to the Lord’s invitation to give ourselves away for all who are poor and weak, especially the dying, the forgotten, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord...