26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 29, 2019)

Am 6.1a, 4-7; 1 Tm 6.11-16; Lk 16.19-31

  • Have you heard of the DINKS "Double-Income-No-Kids"[Double-income-not-children]? If you open one of our national newspapers, especially the weekend edition, you will sooner or later come across an article featuring a couple of bourgeois yuppies who live in a fashionable condo, have abundant income, have lunch in town, buy the most expensive appliances as well as the latest gadgets, and say they are very satisfied with their "lifestyle", so they do not want to have children.

  • Here we see the same lack of generosity and openness to the gift of life—children—which today's rich man of the Gospel showed to Lazarus. And while our DINKS probably support their provincial SPA and other laudable causes, they remain totally unaware of the greatest injustice of our time—abortion.

  • Are we like "those who live in Jerusalem" who turn away from their responsibility to stand up for the weak? Do we show solidarity with unborn children in our choices, our speeches, our prayers, the way we vote? On the day of judgment, God will not look at our efforts for life and say, "Have you succeeded?" but "Have you tried?"

Pro-Life Intercession

For us to respond to the call of the Lazarus of the 21st century, a call that comes to us through the poor, the sick and the unborn, let us pray to the Lord…