25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 22, 2019)

Am 8.4-7; 1 Tm 2.1-7; Lk 16.1-13

  • How rare is it for the rich and powerful to feel the effects of their own sexual sins. They are, after all, able to pay the full price of their choice and licence, whether through alimony, repeated divorces, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization (IVF), or worse, abortions.

  • They can afford any fashionable reproductive cause, but in reality, they are only "crushing the poor to annihilate the country's humble!"

  • As for those who belong to the middle class and look at these celebrities and nababs to imitate their apparent freedom, they usually do not have the means to bear the consequences of their bad choices.

  • If we are foolish enough not to worry about our salvation, let us at least think, in the choices we make, of the social consequences if everyone were to adopt our behavior.

Pro-Life Intercession

That people's interest in money will never be greater than their desire to welcome and cherish the gift of the child, let us pray to the Lord…