33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (November 17, 2019)

Mal 4.1-2; 2 Thess 3.7-12; Lk 21.5-19

  • The Holy Scriptures invite us to set our eyes on Heaven and meditate on the end of time, with St. Paul exhorting us to “toil and labour” until the Lord’s coming. As Christians, an important part of the work we do is on behalf of the preborn, the vulnerable, the weak and frail.

  • Let us examine ourselves: How do I help build a Culture of Life? Do I give mere lip service to being pro-life, reciting the correct shibboleths, being “mere busybodies” but “not doing any work”?

  • Do I actually pray for those who are most vulnerable? Do I participate in pro-life activities such as Life Chain, or financially support pro-life organizations? Do I give witness to my pro-life views to my friends, or by writing letters to the editor, or helping pregnant women materially and emotionally?

  • Let us not be afraid to bear witness to the Gospel of Life. When we feel unprepared, let us remember that Our Lord has promised us that He will give us the words and the wisdom. When we die and meet Him at the particular judgment, our Blessed Lord will ask us what we did to “bear testimony” to the great gift which is life.

Pro-Life Intercession

That God may protect all unborn babies, and keep them safe from the scourge of abortion, we pray to the Lord…