Solemnity of Christ the King (November 24, 2019)

2 Sam 5.1-3; Col 1.12-20; Lk 23.35-43

  • On this great solemnity, we honour Christ as our King and Ruler of our hearts, to whom we owe allegiance, fidelity, and love. For in him “we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” What a tremendous gift this is – to be made whole again and reconciled with God through the “blood of his cross.”

  • All of us, whether we have had or participated in an abortion or not, ought to be “condemned justly” for our many crimes, which are our sins against God and man. Yet, if we, by grace, cry out to God with repentance, sorrow, and faith, we can, like the Good Thief, and no matter our sin, steal paradise!

  • Let us lovingly turn to Mother Mary, the Queen of Heaven, to obtain for us the grace to go to her son, Jesus, who is Christ the King.

Pro-Life Intercession

For every little child: That we might accept and preserve each one as a sign of the infinite love of God for us, we pray to the Lord...