The four brothers, even in the face of death, were unwilling to break God’s law. Motivated by their hope in the resurrection, they freely denounced the king’s injustice. Let us also stand firm in our faith and speak out against the injustices of abortion, euthanasia, and other actions against life.
Read MoreJust as in the case of Zacchaeus, Jesus desires to become “the guest” of sinners, for the “Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost”. How consoling this is for those of us who have had or facilitated someone to have an abortion!
Read MoreJesus invites us to turn to Him in humility and contriteness of heart, like the tax collector in today’s Gospel. There we can receive mercy and forgiveness for all our sins, even those that are most grievous in nature, whether we have had an abortion or have willingly assisted in an abortion or euthanasia.
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