31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 30, 2022)
Wis 11.22-12.2; 2 Thess 1.11-2.2; Lk 19.1-10
Just as in the case of Zacchaeus, Jesus desires to become “the guest” of sinners, for the “Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost”. How consoling this is for those of us who have had or facilitated someone to have an abortion!
Zaccheus responds to Jesus’ love by giving back everything he had taken unjustly. Let us also accept Jesus’ love and change our lives. Let those who have had an abortion know that Jesus longs to forgive them.
There is no sin that our God cannot forgive, for He “can do all things”. We must let nothing, not least our own pride, keep us away from the sacrament of reconciliation.
God wants to heal all of us and make us well. The Pro-Life community must do the same, working relentlessly for justice, yet offering love and forgiveness to all who have sinned or participated in the destruction of life.
Pro-Life Intercession
That through receiving the grace of the sacrament of reconciliation regularly and experiencing the love and mercy of Christ, we may be channels of His love and mercy to others, we pray to the Lord…