24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 15, 2024)

Isa 50.5-9; Jm 2.14-18; Mk 8.27-35

  • Many who identify themselves as pro-choicers or liberals often accuse pro-lifers of not caring about what happens to the weak and vulnerable after they are born. This is disingenuous and unfair, yet, St. James asks, “what good is it…if someone says he has faith but does not have works?” He is reminding us that faith without works is indeed dead.

  • We pro-life Catholics should never give cause for our adversaries to think that all our fundraising, awareness raising, marching, letter writing, and preaching comes to an end once a baby emerges from the birth canal.

  • Rather, more than anyone else, we Catholics must show concrete care and concern for all the weak and vulnerable members of society, most especially the poor. In this way, we will demonstrate a consistent ethic for life, and thereby win over our adversaries to true social justice.

Pro-Life Intercession

For the strength to deny ourselves and put others first, to welcome strangers, to visit the sick, and to protect unborn children, we pray to the Lord ...