Priests For Life Canada

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 13, 2020)

Sir 27.30; Sir 28.7; Rom 14.7-9; Mt 18.21-35

  • When we critique the “culture of death,” there can be a great temptation for us as faithful Catholics to succumb to pride and self-righteousness. In our noble efforts to protect life in all its stages, we may unwittingly develop anger and resentment toward those with whom we disagree.

  • Instead, we must “set enmity aside” and give way to mercy. Sirach advises this decision is best made while thinking about the end of our own life and our decision to follow the commandments.

  • We pro-life Catholics must remember that all that we do is done “for the Lord” as St. Paul says, and should be founded on the Lord who lived, died, and rose for us.

  • As followers of Christ, we are to imitate the frequency and depth of divine mercy. While we must hate sin, let us love the sinner, as Christ did. The failure to do so has consequences at our final judgment.

  • Pro-Life Intercession: That the Gospel’s call to forgiveness may bring our society to reject the use of capital punishment, we pray to the Lord...