22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 30, 2020)

Jer 20.7-9; Rom 12.1-2; Mt 16.21-27

  • Our vocation is rarely what we expect. Peter, after being called the foundation of the Church, thinks that his duty is to prevent Christ from suffering and dying. Only after being reprimanded does he realize that his own vocation is not to prevent Christ’s suffering and death, but to join in it.

  • Similarly, Jeremiah realizes that he has been called to a vocation that is burdensome; he is constantly insulted and mocked. Yet, there is something in his very bones that urges him to cry out and proclaim God’s Word.

  • Just like Peter and Jeremiah, we are called to proclaim the Gospel to all people. This task is not easy, but it is our only path to fulfillment.

  • We must ask for the grace to know and cooperate with God’s will, so that we may always be faithful to our vocation.

  • Pro-Life Intercession: For the strength to welcome Christ as He comes to us in the stranger, the sick, the imprisoned, and the unborn child, we pray to the Lord...