6th Sunday of Easter (May 17, 2020)

Acts 8.5-8, 14-17; 1 Pet 3.15-18; Jn 14.15-21

  • We Catholics must always, as St. Peter says, “be ready to give an explanation... for the reason for your hope.” That is, we must know how to make a reasoned articulation of the faith and be ready to disarm any attacks mounted against it, always with an attitude of calm self-composure and with love.

  • Nowadays, this is especially true in matters relating to the defense of the sanctity of life. With the proliferation of biomedical technologies encouraging such immoral practices as IVF, selective abortions, premature organ harvesting, embryonic stem-cell research, human-animal hybrids, etc., we Christians need to know how to explain the foundation of our human dignity: that we are made in the image and likeness of God, who willed us into existence out of love and who desires to give us a share in His triune life.

    Pro-Life Intercession

    That the Spirit of Truth may enable all people to see that human life at every stage must be respected and protected, and that no person has the right to choose to kill another, we pray to the Lord...