3rd Sunday of Easter (April 26, 2020)

Acts 2.14, 22b-28; 1 Pet 1.17-21; Lk 24.13-35

  • Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter is able to speak boldly to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. He is no longer afraid of professing his love for Christ. We must ask for God's help that we too may receive the courage to speak boldly in favour of the Gospel of Life.

  • We fight many public legal battles to promote the cause for life, but many times we feel these are in vain. On the road to Emmaus, the disciples were facing a similar kind of defeat. Jesus' widely publicized death seemed to quench all their hopes. But there, in a subtler way, they were witnessing victory: Jesus had risen. The victory of the resurrection took many days to spread, but it spread much further than the news of Jesus' death. We too must not give up hope. Christ has won the victory – slow, silent, but sure.

  • The disciples recognized Jesus in the "breaking of the bread," and from here they drew the energy to spread the good news. Let us also draw our energy from the Eucharist. The Pro-life issues such as abortion and euthanasia cannot be fought effectively except in union with Christ and His Church.

    Pro-Life Intercession

    That as we recognize Jesus in the breaking of the Bread, we may also see him in the poor, the sick, the marginalized, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…