Divine Mercy Sunday (April 19, 2020)

Acts 2.42-47; 1 Pet 1.3-9; Jn 20.19-31

  • In the Acts of the Apostles we hear about the community of early Christians. These Christians show us what a culture of life is. Their lives are centered on worship formed by the teaching of the apostles; they live in charity, holding everything in common. This is truly the epitome of the culture of life. A culture cannot be reduced to a few activities or causes; it is an entire way of life. If we are to build a culture of life, we must insist not only that certain laws be enacted, but also that our society be centered on God. So Jesus commends us: "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well."

  • We Christians today need to imitate these early disciples and witness in our own lives Jesus’ “great mercy,” especially to women who have had abortions.

  • By having our spiritual lives founded on the apostolic faith, authenticated by charity and nourished in the Eucharist, God may use us as poor instruments to bring these women to repentance and “a new birth to a living hope.”

Pro-Life Intercession

That as the apostles shared all their goods, Christians may share their goods with those who feel they cannot carry their pregnancy to term, and assist them to choose life, we pray to the Lord...