Baptism of the Lord (January 12, 2020)

Is 42.1-4, 6-7; Acts 10.34-38; Mt 3.13-17

  • John the Baptist, knowing that Jesus has no sin to cleanse and thus no need for baptism, is understandably reluctant to baptize Our Lord. Jesus nevertheless insists, as He desires to identify with sinners and align himself with God’s plan.

  • Just like Our Lord submitted completely to the Father’s will, we too, with meekness, humility, and great love, must accept the mission Our Father gives to us, even if it proves difficult.

  • How do we react to an unexpected pregnancy, or to the presence of a handicapped person, or to a frail family member who needs much assistance?

  • Do we treat life’s surprises as hindrances to our plan, or do we accept everything, even the seemingly bad, as gift? If we learn to let go, the Father will be moved and pleased to accept our offering.

Pro-Life Intercession

That those who suffer illness, loneliness, or depression may know that they belong to Jesus Christ, and may find peace in Him, we pray to the Lord...

Priests For Life Canada