23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 8, 2019)
Wis 9.13-18; Phlm 9b-10, 12-17; Lk 14.25-33
Many say that an unexpected birth, especially in a poor, loveless or single-parent home, condemns the child and mother to a life of great hardship. But as the first reading suggests: "Which man can discover God's intentions?"
The Lord reserves wonderful things for those who choose life, especially when, "humanly speaking," it may seem foolish. And while it is strange to regard pregnancy as a cross, Our Lord tells us in today's Gospel that we cannot be his disciples without carrying his cross to walk behind him.
So that all those who have repented the sin of abortion may find the grace to forgive those who pushed them or did not want to help them, let us pray to the Lord…