28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (October 13, 2019)

2 Kgs 5.14-17; 2 Tim 2.8-13; Lk 17.11-19

  • Leprosy was regarded with particular dread and abhorrence, not merely because of its hideous character and the risk of contagion, but also because it was looked on as a special chastisement inflicted by God on the leper for certain sins.

  • Jesus offers healing to the lepers. He tells them to show themselves to the priests in order to be healed. Today Jesus offers healing for our souls. Everyone who has had an abortion is offered forgiveness through the sacrament of reconciliation.

  • In Jesus’ time, lepers were cast out of society. We, in the Church, are called to offer forgiveness to those who have sinned against Life. We are called to show them the love of Christ.

Pro-Life Intercession

That we may always thank God for the gift of our life and the lives of our children, and work to defend the lives of those in danger, we pray to the Lord…