Posts in Canadian Pro-Life
Contradictions of the Resurrection

Lots of us celebrate an anniversary by going on a holiday. I decided I would go to visit my sister in Albuquerque, New Mexico while celebrating my 50th anniversary of activity in the pro-life movement. It may not surprise people that while I was there, I spent one morning picketing outside an abortuary that is notorious even by the lax New Mexico standards. This Southwestern Women’s Options abortuary specializes in late term abortions. New Mexicans doesn’t impose bubble zone injunctions. So we were there - literally on the edge of the parking lot - watching as women drove in from Texas and Oklahoma to have late term abortions in an otherwise unassuming facility. It was cold! As I was standing talking to the only other person who was the lone Truth Bearer at the abortuary…

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We Are Not an Echo Chamber

The fallout from the Dobbs decision in the United States continues. It would be tempting to say the dust has settled, but there will be many more dust clouds on the horizon before this issue is resolved. Everyone heard the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the 50 year old Roe vs Wade decision that had legalized abortion across the entire United States in 1973. All kinds of pundits from both sides of the pro-abortion and pro-life landscape have been pronouncing judgements ever since. As fascinating as this can be to watch from afar, what difference does it make to us Canadians?

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