Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter is able to speak boldly to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. He is no longer afraid of professing his love for Christ. We must ask for God’s help that we too may receive the courage to speak boldly in favour of the Gospel of Life.
Read MoreIn the Acts of the Apostles we hear about the community of early Christians. These Christians show us what a culture of life is. Their lives are centered on worship formed by the teaching of the apostles; they live in charity, holding everything in common. This is truly the epitome of the culture of life.
Read MoreOur Lord’s resurrection is a moment of joy and surprise. Mary Magdalene, while going to anoint the body of Jesus, discovers something she was not expecting: the tomb is empty! Peter and the other disciple are likewise met with confusion and surprise. What appeared to be the end of their ministry, a sad and dismal day, turned into a day of much rejoicing.
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