In today’s Gospel, our Lord tells us of His impatience to fulfill His baptism by dying on the cross and redeeming mankind: there is a baptism with which I must be baptized and how great is My anguish until it is accomplished! We too were called to fulfill our baptism by persevering in the faith.
Read MoreWe each have a task, like the servants in the parable. When the Lord returns, He will call each of us to give an account of what we have done. The faithful will be rewarded; the lax punished. So, we must be diligent in fulfilling the task that the Lord has given to us: to proclaim the Gospel of Life.
Read MoreWe often hear that wealth, power, and pleasure are the things that we should strive for; that our happiness, our true joy, is found in them. Today’s readings tell us the very opposite. “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity!” Power, riches, and pleasure are transitory in nature; they will pass away with time.
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