Priests For Life Canada

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4th Sunday of Advent (December 22, 2024)

Micah 5.2-5a; Heb 10.5-10; Lk 1.39-45

  • By now, many Catholics and institutions have set up the manger scene, the representation of the birth of the little child Jesus that was popularized by St. Francis.

  • Let us make use of these representations of Jesus’ birth in order to grow in our piety. It also gives witness to our pro-life cause, for it shows in all its splendor the dignity and beauty of the Little Babe who was in Mary’s womb.

  • There is a scholastic adage that says, universalia non movent, meaning generalities or abstractions do not move us, even if they are very good. Rather we are moved by concrete realities. Hence, it is good to consider the mystery of the Incarnation not only in abstract, but to represent it as we do in this custom of putting up manger scenes.

Pro-Life Intercession

That all who are pregnant and afraid may welcome the life within them and draw strength from the angel Gabriel’s words to Mary: Do not fear, we pray to the Lord ...