33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 17, 2024)
Dan 12.1-3; Heb 10.11-14, 18; Mk 13.24-32
As we come to the end of the liturgical year, both our First Reading and Gospel tell us of the end times. Our Lord warns us to be prepared and to be ready for the Second Coming, when He will come again and God will be all in all. He reminds us that all things are passing, but His Word will never pass.
The Gospel of Life forms a part of these words that will never pass, though we can be forgiven for doubting this, given the terrible gains the Culture of Death has made over the last century.
Yet we must never lose hope, but look forward to the great day when the sovereign Lord of all human history will wipe away every tear and triumph over the disgraced.
Let us then consider our own mortality and readiness to encounter Christ. Will we be destined for eternal glory, our names written in God’s book of the elect? Let us love justice and virtue and pray that God’s life will shine through us forever.
Pro-Life Intercession
That Jesus’ one sacrifice for sins may console those who suffer because of a past abortion, we pray to the Lord ...