2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 14, 2024)

1 Sam 3.3b-10, 19; 1 Cor 6.13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1.35-42

  • You may have heard it said that many promiscuous people today use abortion as birth control. Perhaps anticipating this, in his letter St. Paul uses strong words to correct those Corinthians who, despite being Christian, embraced sexual immorality with great licence.

  • Paul argues that any lewd conduct is incompatible with the dignity we are given in oneness with Christ, for fornicators sin against their own bodies and against the Spirit that dwells within them.

  • Moreover, we don’t even have a right to violate ourselves as we are not our own – we were “bought” at a “great price” and all baptized in Him are now His body.

  • Let us remember that sexual sin is never private but rather injures all the members of the body.

Pro-Life Intercession

That Scripture’s teaching that our lives and bodies belong to the Lord may increase our reverence for all human life, and our awareness that only God can give it or take it away, we pray to the Lord ...