21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 27, 2023)

Is 22.15, 19-23; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16.13-20

  • In today’s second reading, St. Paul pours out his heart in praise of the mysterious God who bends history towards redemption.

  • It might be hard to believe, and we may wonder how crimes against the dignity of the human person such as abortion and euthanasia fit into his designs, but God indeed allows all to sin that all might taste salvation. Despite man’s rebellion, God’s saving plan, in his infinite wisdom, moves forward.

  • This is beyond human understanding and no one can repay God for his gift of salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ. If God desires anything, it is simply the recognition that not only all that exists comes from him, but that we must strive to be dependent on him and to see everything as sheer gift.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the Church, against which the gates of death cannot prevail, will work with confidence to eradicate the injustices of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia, we pray to the Lord …