Priests For Life Canada

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13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 2, 2023)

2 Kgs 4.8-12a,14-16; Rm 6.3-4, 8-11; Mt 10.37-42

  • Our greatest love should be Jesus. Everything we do must be centered on Him, even if it causes us to lose our lives, because it is only in losing our lives for Him that we can gain eternal life. So, we must not be afraid to speak the life-giving Gospel, which calls all people to repentance and forgiveness.

  • Besides preaching the Gospel, Jesus tells us also that we must welcome those who come in His name, even the “little ones.” By doing so, we receive a share in their reward. These “little ones” can be either those who are spiritually little, like the unbeliever, or physically little, like an unborn child. Both must be accepted with love.

Pro-Life Intercession

For the strength to welcome Christ as He comes to us in the stranger, the sick, the imprisoned, and the unborn child, we pray to the Lord ...