5th Sunday in Lent (March 26, 2023)

Ezek 37.12-14; Rom 8.8-11; Jn 11.1-45

  • The resurrection of the body is a great comfort to those who grieve the loss of their unborn children. Whether a child is lost through abortion or miscarriage, we pray with Martha that they will “rise in the resurrection on the last day.”

  • St. Paul reminds us that new life is not only a restoration of physical life, but a redemption from sin. When Jesus commands His disciples to ‘unbind [Lazarus] and let him go,’ St. Augustine tells us that Jesus here shows the power that He has given to priests to release people from their sins. Jesus wants us not only to be redeemed on the last day, but to be truly free even now. In the sacrament of reconciliation we experience this freedom from guilt and sin.

Pro-Life Intercession

That we who believe in Jesus the Resurrection and the Life, may defend life and help bring an end to abortion and other forms of injustice, we pray to the Lord...