4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 30, 2022)

Jr 1.4-5, 17-19; 1 Co 12.31-13.13; Lk 4.21-30

  • In today’s Second Reading, the Holy Spirit speaks through St. Paul about a new relationship between us and our fellow men that has an entirely new foundation; love for Christ. This supernatural virtue of charity brings us closer to our neighbour in a very meaningful way.

  • As Christians who promote the Gospel of Life, it is imperative that we ask ourselves how we live this virtue each day: Do we perform little acts of service for people around us? Do we try to be pleasant? Do we say we are sorry when we hurt people? Do we spread peace and joy around us? Do we practice works of mercy by visiting the poor and the sick, so as to live Christian solidarity with those who suffer? Do we care for the needs of the elderly and are we concerned about people who find themselves on the margin of society?

  • Because love is kind, let us be disposed to do good to everyone, especially those with whom we disagree on matters of life. Let’s remember that kindness can only find room for itself in a large and generous heart.

Pro-Life Intercession

That God, who knows and loves us even from the womb, may inspire and sustain our work to eliminate abortion and the conditions that lead to it, we pray to the Lord…

Priests For Life Canada