Priests For Life Canada

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Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15, 2021)

Rev 11.19a, 12.1-6a, 10ab; 1 Cor 15.20-26; Lk 1.39-56

  • Mary was able to serve Jesus perfectly through her motherhood. There is no better way to grow closer to Christ than to look at the example of Mary, for she says “My soul magnifies the Lord.” Let us be examples of the Christian way of life.

  • John the Baptist responds to the incarnation of Christ with joy when he leaps. Later, John becomes the greatest prophet of Jesus (Luke 7:28, Matthew 11:11). He responds to the call to holiness with zealous courage and fear of the Lord. All Christians must be zealous in proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord (2 Corinthians 4:1-2).

  • Mary rejoices in the gift of a child. In Psalm 113:9, David writes that women are joyful to become mothers. Motherhood is never something to be looked down upon, but something to rejoice in. Circumstances surrounding a pregnancy may be difficult, unfavourable, or traumatizing, but when we change our mentality to seeing children as a gift, we see the beauty of parenthood.

Pro-Life Intercession

That all life may be cherished as a gift from God by all people, especially the lives of the most vulnerable in our community, we pray to the Lord...