4th Sunday of Lent (March 14, 2021)

2 Chron 36.14-17a,19-23; Eph 2.4-10; Jn 3.14-21

  • In today’s First Reading, we hear of the destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the Babylonians and the sacking of the city. Many people were killed, and all the leading citizens and skilled workers were deported to Babylon. The prophets viewed this as punishment for Israel’s infidelity.

  • Now we, the faithful few, the remnant, who live in the midst of a culture which has forgotten its own roots and history, echo the people of Israel’s prayer of mourning and longing for their homeland while they were held captive in the foreign land of Babylon.

  • Yet Jesus’ death and resurrection assures us of victory, and will be a source of healing and life for all who look to Him. Let us not despair.

Pro-Life Intercession

That God, who sent His Son to save and not to condemn, will touch the hearts of all who have had abortions, and bring them the gift of repentance, forgiveness, and healing, we pray to the Lord..