2nd Sunday of Lent (February 28, 2021)

Gen 22.1-2, 9-13, 15-18; Rom 8.31b-35, 37; Mk 9.2-10

  • The Transfiguration of our Lord is one of the Mysteries of Light. This event truly is light for Christians because it was the clear sign of the Divinity of Jesus. Later on, St. John, one of the witnesses of the Transfiguration, would assert the divinity of Christ by saying that he had “seen His glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father.”

  • In this season of Lent, which is a preparation for Easter, let us always keep before our eyes the reality of Jesus as true God and true Man. We shall see his passion and death.

  • But we must never lose sight of the reality that it is God who is suffering for our sins. Because if Jesus were only a man, even if a very special man who was “raised” by God, then we would not be saved from our sins.

  • Forgiveness, mercy, and hope, despite our sins, especially sins against the gift of life, is only possible if Jesus Christ is Lord!

  • Pro-Life Intercession: That as the apostles saw the glory of God in Jesus, so we may all see that every human life, even when frail and feeble, is a reflection of God’s glory, we pray to the Lord...