Palm Sunday (April 5, 2020)

Is 50.4-7; Phil 2.6-11; Mt 26.14-27.66

  • Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a simple donkey, just as had been prophesied many centuries before, is in marked contrast to what will occur only a few days later in the same city, when the enthusiastic hosannas will give way to angry shouts of Crucify Him!

  • Jesus humbly submits Himself to the will of the Father. Even while knowing the immense suffering He must endure for the sake of our salvation, He willingly gives Himself over to be crucified. We must learn from His example and unite ourselves to His passion for the sake of souls. This exercise of compassion is the surest means by which we can apply God's grace to the world.

  • We see such a sharp contrast in the attitude of Jesus' disciples. At one moment they are praising Jesus, dining with Him, and in the next moment they are condemning Him and betraying Him. Are we going to do the same? Do we want to share in the good things that Jesus offers, while shunning the seemingly shameful Gospel of Life? Do we go to Mass on Sunday, but follow our own desires every other day? We are called to be faithful promoters of Christ's teachings, even when they broach difficult and undesirable topics like abortion, euthanasia, and masturbation, among other things.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the saving death of Jesus may restore in us a deep reverence and respect for every human life, for which He sacrificed His own life, we pray to the Lord...