3rd Sunday of Lent (March 15, 2020)

Ex 17.3-7; Rom 5.1-2, 5-8; Jn 4.5-42

  • Today we are called to be steadfast in our faith. After many years of seemingly fruitless work in building up the culture of life in this nation, we can become discouraged. Have we simply been wasting time? Weren't we better off before we began this work? God calls us to be patient. We may not see where we are headed, but we must pray and trust that God is guiding us.

  • St. Paul presses us to be hopeful, because "hope does not disappoint." God loved us even when we were still sinners. How can we think that, while we are doing His work, He is not with us?

  • Like Jesus, we must say, "My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to finish his work." This food is often an acquired taste: it takes time for us to learn how to enjoy doing God's will. Like the Israelites we often want to go back to enslavement. But if we persevere, we will find fulfillment and joy in doing God's work.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the elderly, sick, and vulnerable may be healed according to God's will, and that our doctors never consider euthanasia as an answer or remedy to a cry for help, we pray to the Lord...