32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (November 8, 2020)

Wis 6.12-16; 1 Thess 4.13-18; Mt 25.1-13

  • The book of Wisdom encouraged Jews in their faith as they tried to live observantly in a Hellenized culture. As in their time, with growing scientific knowledge and a plurality of philosophical systems from which to seek wisdom, we Catholics need to see anew the wisdom in our own rich tradition.

  • Wisdom has a divine origin – she is glorious, magnificent, everlasting, and best of   all, available to those who love, seek, and watch for her. Do we earnestly desire the wisdom to judge wisely and turn away from sin? Do we consider wisdom to be separate from the truths of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church?

  • With various lies being spread by cultural elites about the nature, purpose, dignity, origin, and destiny of human life, let us be truly wise by arming ourselves with the wisdom of the Church, including our forefathers in the faith, the Saints, the Doctors, and the Popes.

  • Pro-Life Intercession: That God’s people, who proclaim that death has been conquered in Christ, may be active in defending His gift of life, we pray to the Lord...