3rd Sunday of Advent (December 15, 2019)

Is 35.1-6, 10; Jm 5.7-10; Mt 11.2-11

  • St. James exhorts us to be like the prophets, speaking in the name of the Lord. We must do so patiently, knowing that the results of our work may take time to come about, but they will surely come.

  • Isaiah also gives us hope. Every part of creation will rejoice at the coming of our Lord, and as Julian of Norwich says, “all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” We need not despair, even when our efforts in promoting the Gospel seem in vain.

  • At times we may be made to feel like frantic and dishevelled messengers proclaiming an outdated message, but John the Baptist was no different. In fact, Jesus promises us that we are even greater than him, since we bear the truth of Christ Crucified. Our duty is to persevere in proclaiming this truth.

  • Since we participate in the New Covenant and have access to grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, let us remain steadfast and pray that God protects all “born of women” so that He may raise up saints for His Church.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the joy of the Lord’s coming may strengthen all pregnant mothers to welcome and nurture the new life God has entrusted to them, we pray to the Lord…