6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 16, 2025)
Jer 17.5-8; 1 Cor 15.12, 16-20; Luke 6.17, 20-26
The prophet Jeremiah and Jesus remind us that the Christian mission on earth is not to accumulate wealth, live comfortably, seek pleasure, or have fame. Rather, it is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by living virtuous lives worthy of the gospel, which will, in turn, make us truly happy (see Phil 1:27). All the things of the world are temporary, but hope in Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life is true and everlasting happiness.
The secular doctrine of self-autonomy implied in the readings is placed in such esteem that governments have encouraged parents to kill their own children in the womb of their mother and encouraged people who feel like a burden to commit suicide. Saint Teresa of Calcutta said: “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”
The Christian message, on the other hand, preaches the Gospel of love. Love is not selfish, but it is a giving of oneself for the good of the other and the greatest good of another is the attainment of Heaven.
Pro-Life Intercession
That all people may come to know and acknowledge the inherent dignity of every human person, especially the unborn and those who feel they are a burden. We pray to the Lord …