Priests For Life Canada

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The Presentation of the Lord (February 2, 2025)

Mal 3.1-4; Heb 2.10-11, 13b-18; Lk 2.22-40

  • Jesus’ destiny is revealed at His Presentation in the Temple. This revelation even comes as a surprise to both Mary and Joseph, who had already been told much about Jesus. In a similar manner, every child is destined by God for greatness, even though this may not be clear to others.

  • Simeon spent many years worshiping in the Temple. God promised him that he would not die until he held the Messiah in his arms. Similarly, many elderly are awaiting an encounter with the Lord at His appointed time. We may not see the purpose of their long lives, often riddled with illness and suffering, but God has a plan for them and we should willingly cooperate with that plan.

Pro-Life Intercession

That God’s people may “do justice” by working to save the poorest of the poor, the unborn children in danger of abortion, we pray to the Lord ...