Priests For Life Canada

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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 8, 2024)

Isa 35.4-7; Jm 2.1-5; Mk 7.31-37

  • It is not uncommon for women (and men!), upon discovering that they are having a child, to be overcome with fear. The thought of raising a child—whether alone or because it was “unplanned,” or because of financial or career considerations—can be daunting. The First Reading has encouraging words for us: “Be strong, fear not!”

  • The Lord rewards great acts of faith. As the Psalmist says, “the Lord sets captives free” and fear (and its root, pride) is what is keeping us shackled down.

  • When we are met with so great a blessing as new life, however unexpected, or even with some suffering, we need to go to the Lord with simplicity and trust, and say “Praise the Lord, my soul!”

  • St. James warns us against favouritism. In some sense abortion and euthanasia are a form of favouritism. We favour our own well-being rather than the life of a child; we favour the young and the healthy rather than the sick and aged. This kind of favouritism is clearly condemned: “Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love Him?”

Pro-Life Intercession

That in our lives and in our laws, we may never discriminate against the poor, the immigrant, or the unborn, we pray to the Lord ...