Priests For Life Canada

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11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 16, 2024)

Ez 17.22-24; 2 Cor 5.6-10; Mk 4.26-34

  • In today’s Second Reading, St. Paul’s words manifest a deep awareness of the ultimate purpose of life: to be at our heavenly home with the Lord. This talk is sustained by faith, not by sight. To the world, however, this is nonsense, as only what can be seen and measured is real while everything else is wishful thinking.

  • As Catholics, we must remember that everything this side of heaven – from the almost “magical” new gadgets to the promises of charismatic political leaders – is far from ideal and often painful, yet we must endure this life and strive to “please Him” by all we do, for one day we will have to “appear before the judgment seat of Christ” where we will all be judged according to how we lived “in the body”.

  • Paul longs to be in heaven with Jesus. Do we have the same longing?

Pro-Life Intercession

That God, who places value in the smallest of His creatures, may renew in our hearts an active love and reverence for all children, born and preborn, we pray to the Lord ...