Priests For Life Canada

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Ascension of the Lord (May 12, 2024)

Acts 1.1-11; Eph 1.17-23 or Eph 4.1-13; Mk 16.15-20

  • Jesus’ life on earth finished not with His death on the Cross but with His Ascension into Heaven, the last of the mysteries of His life here on earth. It is fitting that those who saw Christ die amid insults, scoffing, and mockery on the Cross should see Him now exalted.

  • The Ascension strengthens and nourishes our hope of attaining Heaven. It invites us always to lift up our heart and seek the things that are above. Our hope is very great because Christ Himself has gone to prepare a dwelling place for us.

  • With the Ascension, Christ’s earthly mission comes to a close and ours, as His disciples, begins. Our Lord wishes each of us to remain in our place, sanctifying the world and building a culture of life from within, improving it and placing it at the feet of God. Only thus will the world be a place where human dignity is valued and respected.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the Ascension may increase our awareness of the dignity of every human life, created to share life forever in the heights of heaven, we pray to the Lord ...